November 21, 2017 – Saturday, Dec. 2 marks an early sighting of Santa Claus in the Lake Geneva Badger High School Commons. The Music Department fundraiser runs from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Plenty of music and youth activities surround the family breakfast, an annual event at the school.
Pictures with Santa are available before or after dining. The affordable eggs/pancakes/sausage/bacon breakfast is free to children ages two and younger, kids three to 12 eat for $5, and adults are $8 each. Tickets are available at the door or in the school office during school hours. Ample parking is available on school grounds.
Haverly & Co. Home Decor of Lake Geneva and dozens of vendors will be set up at Badger again this year during the breakfast for their annual Christmas Craft Show from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The band will be performing later in the day for the annual Lake Geneva Christmas parade.
The event benefits activities in the Music Department. The students, who will be performing throughout the morning, have ample and unique opportunities to learn, develop and refine their musical talents as a result of the proceeds of Breakfast with Santa. Activities funded by the event include concerts, field trips, the senior awards, and performances at the Basilica and the Marquette Orchestra Festival. The school's extensive music offerings are included in an Arts/AV Technology & Communications Career Cluster, a Badger career and college readiness program.