Frequently Asked Questions 

Students on Computers

What is a charter school? A charter school is a public school that is freed from many state rules and regulations that apply to public schools in exchange for greater accountability for student achievement.  A charter school is authorized through a charter contract with the school board and is governed by an independent governance board. Charter schools provide families choice in learning environments that best meets the needs of their child.

Charter schools are one way that Lake Geneva Schools builds potential for student achievement, staff opportunity, and transformation using innovative environments, teaching methods, and personalized learning to meet unique needs of all learners.
Lake Geneva Schools has two charter schools, Maple Park Charter School (Grades 4K - 8) and New Visions Charter School (9th - 12th Grade).  Staffing and the district's (per student) resources to students enrolled in a charter school follow the same guidelines used for students in Badger High School.


How will New Visions Charter School be governed?
Charter schools in Wisconsin are governed independently by the charter school’s governance board.  The board is accountable to the charter contract authorized by the Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union High School District (Badger High School).


What grades does New Visions Charter School cover? New Visions Charter School enrolls students from grades 9 - 12.  If you are looking for a charter school for grades 4K - 8, we recommend you visit Maple Park Charter School.


Where is New Visions Charter School located?
New Visions Charter School operates virtually.  Because it is a blended program a student may take classes at Badger High School in Lake Geneva.  Our office is located at located at 220 E South St, Lake Geneva, WI 53147.


How do I register for New Visions Charter School?

After registration, a meeting will be scheduled with families to decide on coursework and schedules.


Can I enroll in New Visions Charter School at any time?

High school students may enroll, pending a pre-enrollment meeting and Open Enrollment/Alternative Enrollment approval, during semesters I and II.  If a student is taking a face-to-face class at Badger High School, the student will have to enter and exit the class according to the semester schedule.  The school calendar will be followed. Time in this calendar must allow a student to finish an online class offering.

Can I attend New Visions Charter School if I am not a resident of the school district? Yes - a student from outside the Lake Geneva-Genoa City UHS District (Badger High School) may enroll in the New Visions Charter School as an Open Enrollment student.


What does a New Visions Charter School family receive?

First-Class Curriculum:  Our program features curriculum developed by educators that focuses on virtual courses and classes.  New Visions Charter School families receive a personal electronic computing device, textbooks either in print or digital format, and comprehensive lesson plans.
High-Quality Teaching:  New Visions Charter School’s highly qualified professional staff work one-on-one with students and their parents to instruct, review assignments, and customize the curriculum, including extra help for struggling or gifted students.  Students will also benefit from local educational guides who help monitor the work. All of the teachers online or in face-to-face classes are licensed Wisconsin teachers.
State-of-the-Art Technology:  Students will receive use of a personal electronic computing device, frequent online communication, individual achievement planning, and resources targeted at supporting them in the best possible manner.
If Internet accessibility is an issue, please relay this information to the program coordinator when you register.  

Community Connections:  New Visions Charter School facilitates numerous activities and athletics through after-school clubs, social events, and sports at Badger High School.

Will my New Visions Charter School student work with a licensed teacher?  How will I know if my student is successful in their 9-12 course work?
n order to attain the educational goals listed in Wis. Stat. §118.01, the Charter School will provide an education nurturing the full potential of each student by providing a learning environment that allows a child to discover and develop his/her own unique talents.  New Visions Charter School students will become independent, confident learners.  New Visions is a blended approach with online programming and face-to-face classes offered at Badger High School.  Both the online courses and the face-to-face courses have Wisconsin licensed teachers as the instructors.  Both of these classes also meet Badger requirements for graduation and are based on college, career, and life achievement goals.

At Lake Geneva Schools our students benefit from our Big School Opportunities and Small School Strengths.  Our mission is to provide EVERY student an excellent education that ensures the development of responsible, respectful citizens and inspires life-long learning. Lake Geneva-Genoa City UHS believes strongly in providing each student with the best education and a myriad of opportunities that will meet that student’s current needs as well as future goals.

When a student enters New Visions Charter School the parent will meet with a teacher who will serve as the teacher-on-record.  The types of courses offered will be reviewed and a strong high school experience will be framed.  This experience could blend online courses and face-to-face classes for the best combination for the individual student.  The teacher-on-record is a certified teacher who will serve as the home and school liaison. The teacher will provide initial placement help, continue support in academic planning, monitor student growth and progress, and provide support in enriching and/or supporting the academic journey of the student.  After the academic need is determined the teacher and parent will develop a personalized learning plan that will meet the needs of the individual student.  This discussion will take into consideration parent philosophy, student strengths and needs, along with the best placement and curriculum options for the student.  This may include, but not be limited to, assessment data, the student’s academic history, and student work samples.  The teacher will be providing support through face-to-face meetings to ensure student success.  There will also be counselor interaction to make sure a student is college and/or career ready.

Academic Achievement Objectives – Students will be able to demonstrate proficient or advanced competencies in reading, oral communication, mathematics, social studies, and science as evidenced through district academic standards.  New Visions Charter School shall identify academically low achieving students and shall provide its educational program to these students in a manner that best serves their needs.

Individual Self-Assessment – Students will be able to evaluate and reflect on their own work according to a defined criteria established by teacher and parents.  Students will be able to increase their ability to work toward achievable goals through self-directed activities.  For each student, an individualized rubric will be based on individual learning plans and appropriate content area skills.

Physical Education – Students will work with their teacher-on-record to meet their physical education and health requirement via their personalized learning plan.  There is also an option to attend Physical Education classes within the high school walls.

Technology Integration – Students will integrate technology, as technology will be used for many virtual learning courses.  Each student will be loaned a Chromebook or other such electronic device, as needed for classes.

State Requirements – As required by chapters 118 and 121, Wisconsin Statutes, the Charter School shall, on behalf of the District, administer the examinations under ss. 118.30(1m) and 121.02(1)(r) to pupils enrolled in the Charter School and shall cause the testing data for the Charter School to be transmitted to the District in such form as the District shall customarily transmit such data. (a) With respect to examinations required under ss. 118.30(lm) and 121.02(1)(r), the Parties hereby agree that, the Governing Council of National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) may develop or adopt any of its own examination(s) (in addition to the Department’s examination(s)) for administration to the District’s pupils, and/or the Charter School’s students. (b) Assessment (formative and summative) will include, but not be limited to the following:

  1. Student performance on the Forward Exam and ACT Aspire exams or their equivalents;

  2. Teacher developed assessments;

  3. Annual review of student Personal Learning Plan;

  4. Parent satisfaction survey – Progress reports;

  5. Student attendance data – Student discipline data;

  6. Student led conferences;

  7. Ongoing teacher evaluation of student progress;

  8. Student self-evaluation of progress;

  9. Performance-based assessment through project learning;

  10. Subject area and skill based tests;

  11. Presentation of capstone projects – Project showcases;

  12. School climate surveys; and

  13. AP or other certification assessments.

Graduation Requirements – New Visions requires 24 credits for graduation.  Successful completion of the following subjects are required for graduation:

    1. Four (4) credits of English;

    2. Three and one half (3½) credits of Social Studies;

    3. Three (3) credits of Science (1 must be Biology);

    4. Three (3) credits of Mathematics (including Algebra, Geometry, and one math elective);

    5. One and one-half (1½) credits of Physical Education;

    6. One half (1/2) credit of Health;

    7. One half (1/2) credit Personal Finance course; and

    8. In addition the State of Wisconsin requires of all graduates that they take and pass a civics test.

    The above courses, plus electives, are required for graduation.   A passing grade must be earned in each required subject or that subject must be repeated.

    Certain courses have prerequisites or requirements which must be met by a student before admission to the class.  Some courses are restricted to a particular year in school and may not be carried before the designated year.  Graduation requirements as set up shall be considered minimum requirements.  Students should plan their course of study with the help of the LEG or counselor to improve their chances of employment and/or furthering their education after high school.

    Do students receive grades? All students will receive quarter grades in a format that represents the online or face-to-face class.  High school students will receive letter grades (A, B, C, D, or F). High school students entering New Visions Charter School from another school district or homeschooling will have their transcripts evaluated and credits (if applicable) entered into the Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union High School District (Badger High School) student database. This will happen with a licensed counselor who will meet to make sure each student has a developed four-year plan.

    Is New Visions Charter School a public school? Yes, we are a public charter school operating under a contract with the Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union High School District.

    What is the cost of New Visions Charter School? New Visions Charter School is a tuition-free public charter school located in Wisconsin. Students choosing to take a class, participate in clubs or sports at Badger High School may be subject to fees.

    Are students issued a free personal electronic computing device (PECD)? PECDs (i.e., Chromebook or iPad) will be provided to the student attending New Visions Charter School. PECDs are the property of Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union High School District and must be returned should the student leave New Visions Charter School.

    Will New Visions Charter School give our family a monetary stipend for Music, PE, Art, or other specialty lessons? New Visions Charter School does not provide monetary stipends for any specialty lessons outside of the district offerings.

    Can I choose my student’s curriculum? A licensed Wisconsin teacher (teacher-on-record) from New Visions Charter School will collaborate with the student and family, along with a guidance counselor, to develop a four-year student learning plan.  Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union School District will provide students with a full curriculum at no cost to the family. Courses held at Badger High School may be taken; the individual course calendar dates will be followed.

    Are the teachers and staff certified? All professional staff is licensed in the State of Wisconsin.  We take great pride in the highly qualified staff who work with our students.

    Will my child be required to take standardized tests? The State of Wisconsin does require certain state tests at various grade levels. These include the ACT, ACT/Aspire, FORWARD, and a civics test. New Visions Charter School will also offer charter school families the opportunity to participate in these valuable assessments.  The assessment data will be shared with the families so that each family can see the growth of their student compared to state standards and benchmarks.

    Does my student need to be immunized? Families need to provide the student’s immunization records or the signed waiver form.

    Do we have to submit student health forms? Our students’ health and well being are of utmost importance to New Visions Charter School. Student health forms and physicals are suggested for the health and safety of the student. Families with questions on health forms, medication, or health services can contact the school nurse: Stefanie Keisler, RN, at [email protected]

    When does the school year start and end? The New Visions school year will correspond with the Lake Geneva Schools schedule but will allow for some flexibility.  Families should discuss their individual needs with the New Visions Charter School staff.

    Can my student participate in clubs and sports? Students can participate in sports, clubs, band, choir, extracurricular activities, and social events offered at Badger High School.  For more information on clubs and sports, families will want to contact Badger High School regarding availability for their student. Families will be responsible for any fees associated with sports, clubs, activities, or courses taken at Badger High School.

    Can my student take classes at Badger High School? Yes, New Visions Charter School students can take classes at Badger High School if they have met the prerequisites for the course.  This is a part of the unique blended approach of New Visions Charter School.

    Can my student participate in the Badger High School graduation ceremony? Graduates may participate in the traditional Badger High School graduation ceremony.

    Do high school students receive a diploma and transcript? New Visions Charter School students will be provided with a transcript and a Lake Geneva-Genoa City UHS High School diploma when they graduate.

    Do you accept students with IEPs or 504s? Yes, students with an IEP or a 504 are welcome in New Visions Charter School.  Prior to placement in New Visions Charter School, the Student Services team and family will meet to determine if a virtual setting can meet the needs of the student.

    How are charter schools funded? Charter schools are funded and staffed at the same level as Badger High School, based upon the number of students served.  Charter schools receive an allocation of district level support for functions such as technology support, business services, facilities, etc.  If the charter school's Governance Board elects to provide resources beyond district funding levels, they have opportunities for fundraising or grants, similar to the grant applications and fundraising that is done by parent groups for district schools.

    Where can I get more information about charter schools in Wisconsin? The Department of Public Instruction provides information on charter schools and rules at Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's website

    Do you have a question that you would like to see on the New Visions Charter Schools FAQs? Email them to [email protected]

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