11.24.20 Update

11.24.20 Update
Posted on 11/24/2020
11.24.20 Update

November 24, 2020 

Dear Parents,

Early this week Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union (Badger) High School and Lake Geneva Joint #1 School Boards held special board meetings to review Walworth County Health Services’ recommendations. These recommendations were released to area superintendents late Friday, November 20th. The recommendations concerned switching to a virtual learning model for an undetermined length of time after Thanksgiving. The boards reviewed multiple data points, including the metrics dashboard for the county and current data for both school districts. A decision was made by the school boards to stay in the current learning model (in-person and virtual) after Thanksgiving. This means that at this time our schools will continue in-person learning.


To date, the districts have been successful at providing in-person educational opportunities. We sincerely hope that we are able to continue in that mode. It has become more challenging as the number of positive cases of COVID-19 rise in our community. However, our local school data shows that almost all of our current positive and quarantined students and staff will be able to return to school after Thanksgiving. Therefore, we will continue in our present model unless the spread of the virus is linked to being in school (which it has not) or staffing becomes an issue. Please check our dashboard for accurate information on COVID-19 positive students and staff within both districts (Lake Geneva Schools COVID-19 Dashboard). We will continue to monitor the districts’ numbers and constantly review the situation with a focus on what is best for the students.


Working together as a school and community is critical to continue with in-person education. Your support will help us keep the doors open to our schools. We thank you in advance for continuing to:


  • Conduct daily at-home health checks prior to arriving at school.

  • Keep your child home when they are not feeling well.

  • Be honest and open if you need to share information with your schools on test results and for contact tracing.

  • Be mindful of holiday celebrations, group gatherings, and travel.

  • Follow the guidelines of masking and physically distancing. 

  • Review and understand the Lake Geneva Schools COVID-19 Common Scenario Guidance.


As we all attempt to enjoy the holiday season, please understand that your family’s decisions regarding social events outside of school could greatly affect keeping our schools healthy and open. If your family attends a group gathering and/or travels, we would ask that you strongly consider self-quarantining your child, especially if they exhibit any symptoms. That action will help minimize potential spread within our schools and help us continue to open our doors. Our staff is working hard to accommodate all student situations and needs. They are worried about their health and families, as well. Let’s continue to work together to keep everyone as safe as we can. 


During the upcoming holiday school breaks when our school offices are closed, we ask that if your child tests positive for COVID-19 or begins showing symptoms to please email our Director of Health Services, Stefanie Keisler, RN, at [email protected], and your school’s principal. Please be as detailed as possible in the information you provide (child’s full name, the school they attend, list of symptoms, date symptoms started, date of test, if applicable, etc.).

Thank you for your continued support. I am proud of the work we have done during the pandemic. Our districts have been focused on the students who attend Lake Geneva Schools. It has not been an easy year, and we are grateful for each day we have been able to provide a strong education for preschool through high school students. Thank you for helping us with this task. We all appreciate your support. Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr. James Gottinger

District Administrator 

Lake Geneva Schools

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