Volunteer Application & Consent Form

It is the policy of the Boards of Education of Lake Geneva Joint #1 and Lake Geneva – Genoa City Union High Districts (hereafter referred to as Lake Geneva Schools) to conduct criminal background checks of all individuals seeking to serve as volunteers who work one-on-one, alone with students in our schools, or who accompany students on activities; or who, in the discretion of the District Administrator or his/her designee supervise students in an activity with limited oversight by school staff.  The information provided will only be used to conduct such a background check. 

Volunteers are often in the school building and in the classroom where it is inevitable that they observe students’ strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors.  Often these observations represent only a snapshot of a child on a given day and at a given time.

In an effort to raise the consciousness of volunteers about the importance of every student’s privacy, we require all volunteers to keep in mind that observations or information about students obtained as a result of volunteer efforts should be treated as confidential. Observations should not be shared with others.  Under no circumstances should information including the names of students and/or photos of students be exchanged electronically or posted on non-district approved websites, including social networks like, but not limited to, Facebook.  By volunteering, you are indicating a willingness to respect the privacy of the students you observe.

We also require that volunteers respect the privacy of staff if information of a personal or professional nature is overheard or observed at school.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the school principal.

To volunteer at one of our schools, please print the form below, complete the form, and submitted to the school's main office.

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