Food Services/Lunch

FREE Summer Meals

Lake Geneva Schools (Badger and Joint #1) is proud to offer healthy meals for kids and teens for free during the summer. No need to sign up or apply, just show up and enjoy! 

Location & Times of Meals
Badger: Door 14 - Common Area: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Breakfast, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM - Lunch from June 10th to August 9th - 220 E. South St, Lake Geneva, WI 

Central-Denison: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Breakfast, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM - Lunch from June 17th to June 28th and July 8th to July 19th (Call 262-348-4000 ext. 4006 to be let into Door 10 for a free meal) - 900 Wisconsin St, Lake Geneva, WI

NO MEALS ON JULY 4 & 5, 2024

Breakfast and Lunch are Free! 
All students who are 18 years old and younger or a disabled adult age 19 through 21 participating in a public or private educational program are eligible to receive lunch and breakfast in our meals program. Children do not need to be Lake Geneva Schools students. * Meal distribution points and methods are subject to change.

Jaclyn Sanders, Lake Geneva Schools Food Service Coordinator
[email protected]
262-348-1000 ext. 1015

More Info or call 211
Text: 'food' to 304-304 for meals near you

When School's Out Summer EBT is Here to Help!

Summer EBT (electronic benefit transfer) is an income-based program that helps families buy food for their children while school is out. Wisconsin will send $120 for each child you qualities. You can use these benefits anywhere that FoodShare benefits are accepted. For more information, click here.


September 2024 Menu

2024-2025 MEAL PRICES

Elementary Pricing
Breakfast: FREE
Lunch: $2.75
Snack Milk: $55 per year

Middle School Pricing
Breakfast: FREE
Lunch: $3.00

High School Pricing
Breakfast: FREE
Lunch: $3.25

Reduced Pricing (with approval)
Breakfast: FREE
Lunch: less $0.40

Milk Pricing - All Grades
$0.50 per carton

Please see below to submit an application to qualify for free or reduced meals.


Free and reduced applications must be filled out every year. There will be a two-week grace period, and if a new form has not been returned, your child will revert to full pay and be responsible for payment of all meals until a form is returned and approved. Forms will be available at schools on registration days. If your child is qualified for free meals based on direct certification, you will receive a letter in August, and will not need to fill out an application.

Solicitudes para Comidas/Alimentos Gratis & Reducidas

Las solicitudes para comida/alimentos gratis y reducidas necesitan ser completadas cada ano. Habrá un periodo de gracia de dos semanas y si una nueva forma no ha sido procesada, el estado de la cuenta de su hijo/a será revertida a precio completo/regular y serán responsables para el pago de todas las comidas hasta que la forma es entregada y aprobada. Las solicitudes estarán disponibles durante los días de matriculación en las escuelas. Si su hijo/a califica para comidas/alimentos gratis basado en certificación directa, usted recibirá una carta en agosto y no necesita llenar una solicitud.



  • GRADES 4K-5 PRICE: $ 50.00/ YEAR


  • PRECIOS GRADOS 4K-5: $ 50.00 / AÑO


Dear Parents: 

If you believe your child/children may qualify for free or reduced price meals, please send the form back to school immediately so your child can start receiving the benefits of this program as soon as possible. They must pay for lunches until the application has been approved. 

If your child was approved for free or reduced last year, this information does not carry over to this school year. You will need to fill out a new form. Please fill out one form per family, listing each student and the school they attend. 

Need Help? If you need help filling this form out, please call 262-348-1015. If your child is approved for Free or Reduced Lunch, this will qualify them to have one regular breakfast, and one regular lunch. Students will be charged for a la carte items, additional lunches and extra milk with meals. If your child is in elementary school and qualifies for free or reduced meals, they are also qualified to receive milk at break time. 

All students will have an account in our system for purchasing lunches. Each student must have money in their account BEFORE purchasing lunch. We will try to notify students in the line when they are getting low on money; however, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child has adequate funds available for purchasing lunch. 

Making Payments by Check: Make payable to LG Schools Food Service. Please write student name(s) in "memo" area of check. Separate checks are required for each school. If you are writing a check for more than one child, please write down the amount you wish to apply to each child's account. Milk payment needs to be separate from meal payment. Balances will carry over from year to year. 

Making Electronic Payments: Go to district homepage and follow the electronic payments link. 

Student Balances: are available online if you have signed up for PowerSchool access. Letters are sent home weekly at the elementary level when your child needs additional funds. Also, if your child’s balance has dropped below $-5.00, you may receive an automated phone call. If you would like to know your child’s account balance, please call your school kitchen and we will be happy to provide that information to you. We offer many different a la carte choices at the middle school and high school, so there is a possibility your child will be spending more than the cost of a regular lunch if they are purchasing “extras”. Please make checks payable to L.G. Jt. 1 Schools Food Service. Checks should be written for the exact amount you would like credited to their food account. WE WILL NOT GIVE CASH BACK TO THE STUDENT. Students must have an ID card to purchase lunches. The first card will be issued at no cost. However, we will charge $1.00 for replacement cards. 

Negative Balances: If your child had a negative balance in their account last year, this amount will carry forward and needs to paid immediately. Please send a check to: Lake Geneva Schools Administration Office, 208 South St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (Attention: Jaclyn Sanders). 

Special Dietary Needs: If your child has a medically documented food allergy, please contact us and also notify your child’s teacher. 

Please call us at any time at 348-1015 if you have any questions or concerns. 

Jaclyn Sanders - Food Service Coordinator

Estimados Padres:

Si usted cree que su(s) hijo/a(s) puede(n) calificar para comidas gratis o de precio reducido, por favor devuelva esta forma a la escuela inmediatamente, para que su hijo/a puede comenzar a recibir los beneficios de este programa lo más pronto posible. Usted necesita pagar para la comida hasta que la solicitud/aplicación sea aprobada.

Si su hijo/a fue aprobado/a para comidas gratis o reducidas el pasado año escolar, esta información no es transferida hacia este nuevo año escolar, USTED NECESITA COMPLETAR UNA NUEVA FORMA.  Por favor complete una forma por familia, alistando cada estudiante y la escuela que asisten.

¿Necesita Ayuda? Si usted necesita ayuda completando esta forma, por favor llame al 262-348- 1015 o 262-348-4005 (español). Si su hijo/a es aprobado/a para Comidas Gratis o Reducidas, él/ella recibirá un desayuno regular y un almuerzo regular. Los estudiantes serán cobrados por artículos a la carta, almuerzos adicionales y leches adicionales con las comidas. Si su hijo/a esta asiste a una escuela primaria y califica por comidas gratis o reducidas, él/ella también calificara recibir la leche gratis durante la merienda.

Haciendo Pagos por Cheque: Llene el cheque a la orden de LG Schools Food Service. Por favor escriba el/los nombre(s) en el área indicado memo. Cheques separados son requeridos para cada escuela. Si está escribiendo un cheque para más de un estudiante, por favor escriba la cantidad que desea depositar en cada cuenta. El pago para la Leche de Merienda (Descanso de Leche) necesita ser separado al pago de las comidas. Los saldos se trasladarán de ano a ano.

Haciendo Pagos Electrónicos: Visite la página de la red del distrito y haga clic en la conexión de pagos electrónicos.

Saldos Estudiantiles: Los saldos están disponibles si usted se ha registrado para acceso al programa PowerSchool. Notificaciones son enviadas semanalmente en las escuelas primarias cuando su hijo/a necesita fondos adicionales. Incluso, si el saldo de su hijo/a esta menos de $5.00 es posible que reciba una llamada automatizada. Si usted gusta informarse sobre el saldo de su hijo/a, por favor comuníquese con la cocina de la escuela y ellos estarán disponibles proveerle esa información. Nosotros ofrecemos diferentes opciones a la carta en las escuelas intermedia y secundaria, por lo tanto, puede ser posible que su hijo/a este gastando más del precio regular para almuerzo si están comprando “cosas adicionales”. Por favor llene los cheques a la orden de LG Schools Food Service. Los cheques deberán ser hechos a la cantidad exacta que le gustaría ser acreditada al saldo. NOSOTROS NO LE REGRESAREMOS DINERO EN EFECTIVO AL ESTUDIANTE. Los estudiantes tienen una tarjeta de identificación para comprar comida/almuerzo. La primera tarjeta es gratis. Sin embargo, serán cobrados $1.00 para reemplazar la tarjeta.

Saldos Negativos: Si su hijo/a tiene un saldo negativo desde el año pasado, ese saldo será trasladado a este ano y necesita ser pagado inmediatamente. Por favor envié su cheque a:

Administration Office, 208 South St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (Atención: Jaclyn Sanders).

Alergias a los Alimentos: Si su hijo/a tiene una alergia documentada medicamente, por favor comuníquese con nosotros y también notifique a el/la maestro/a de su hijo/a.

Por favor llámenos cuando sea al 348-1015 si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación.

Jaclyn Sanders – Coordinadora de Servicios de Alimentación


Elementary Students – We use a pre–pay debit system. Parents/Guardians who have signed up for access can view PowerSchool transaction reports online.  Students are required to have money available in their meal account in order to make purchases.  Weekly reminder letters will be sent home to any student who has less than $ 5.00 remaining in his/her account. If a student has a balance of 0 or below, they will not be allowed to purchase a la carte items.   If the balance drops below 0 and the family has NOT responded to the reminder letter, we will send a balance reminder letter home with the child.  This letter will notify the parent that they need to send a cold lunch to school until funds are available in the meal account.  If funds are not received and the balance drops below $-5.00, we will notify the family by e-mail and/or phone.  If the account balance reaches $ -10.00, the Food Service Coordinator will contact the family to determine what steps will be necessary to help with the balance.

Middle School Students -- We use a pre–pay debit system.   Parents/Guardians will have access to student transaction information on Power School to monitor the account balance.  Students are required to have money available in their meal account in order to make purchases.  Students will be reminded at the point of sale when their balance is low (less than $ 5.00) remaining.  If a student’s balance is 0 or below, they will not be able to purchase a la carte items.  If the account balance goes below $ -10.00 or more, the parent/guardian will be contacted by e-mail and/or telephone to determine what steps will be necessary to help with the balance.

High School Students -- We use a pre–pay debit system. Parents/Guardians will have access to student transaction information on Power School to monitor the account balance.   Students are required to have money available in their meal account in order to make purchases.  Students will be reminded at the point of sale when their balance is low (less than $ 5.00) remaining.  Any student who does not have funds in their account will not be able to purchase a la carte items.   If the account balance goes below $ -10.00 or more, the parent/guardian will be contacted by e-mail and/or telephone to determine what steps will be necessary to help with the balance.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Eastview Lunch Room

Contact Jaclyn Sanders
Food Service Coordinator

RevTrak Credit Card Payment System

RevTrak | Skyward Partners and Integrations 

E-payments are a convenient way to pay school fees and deposit lunch money with a credit card or check online. The Lake Geneva Schools now utilize RevTrak.

All Food Service online transactions are assessed 3.61%. A parent can make deposits to multiple students' accounts in a single order and only incur one 3.61% fee.

All non-food service transactions are also charged a 3.61% transaction fee excluding mandatory registration fee.

ACCOUNT CREATION - Click Create New Account on RevTrak landing page.
Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.