Lake Geneva Schools recognizes the important role that community organizations play in serving our students and area youth. Our Community Backpack program provides opportunities for local civic and not-for-profit organizations to share youth-related program information with the students and families in our district.
This program supports our Lake Geneva Schools strategic plan objective of community engagement. It also helps us cut back on paper use by reducing the need to send hard-copy flyers home with students. We are excited about our Community Backpack and look forward to sharing great community offerings with you.
Does Your Organization Have A Flyer To Post?
1. Fill out our online form and attach your one-page event flyer as a PDF or Microsoft Office document at least 10 days prior to the desired posting date.
2. Please review our posting guidelines prior to submitting your flyer:
- The organization requesting permission to post materials will be a civic/charitable or not-for-profit organization or have an established partnership/program with Lake Geneva Schools.
- The activity will support and benefit youth in grades pre-K through 12 in our community.
- All information must be submitted via the online form and be pre-approved through the District Office. Individual schools will not process requests.
- Flyers must include sponsoring organization name &/or logo; contact information; dates & times; location with address; a description that includes applicable enroll by dates; grade level or age; website link for more information (if available).
- The following disclaimer must be included on the bottom of all submitted materials, typed in 10-point, bold font: “These materials were created by (name of sponsoring entity). This is NOT a school district sponsored or endorsed activity.”

How Publishing Works…
Upon approval, flyers will be posted. After events occur, flyers will be removed. A link to our Community Backpack will be shared each month in our school newsletters and social media pages to remind families to view the latest postings.
Lake Geneva Schools neither endorses nor sponsors the organizations that post information, their missions or their policies. If you have questions regarding any programs listed in the Community Backpack, please contact the organizations directly.