
Welcome to the Curriculum Department! 

The Lake Geneva Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department coordinates all district activities related to teaching, learning, assessment, and professional development. 

Our Curriculum

In the Lake Geneva Joint #1 District and the Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union (Badger) High School District, we define curriculum as the "what.” Our curriculum outlines represent what we expect students to know and be able to do. 

Instruction is the “how." We support student learning and differentiate, based on student needs, in order for all students to meet and exceed expectations. 

Assessment is the means by which we determine student mastery and proficiency on our defined expectations. This information is shared with students and parents. Teachers communicate information about classroom instruction, student needs, and achievement through electronic tools and conversations. Assessment is frequent so students can demonstrate growing competencies. Ongoing assessment information is shared by sending home materials, offering electronic access, and conducting parent-teacher conferences. Proficiencies are reported on report cards.

Curriculum Mission

The mission of Lake Geneva Schools’ curriculum is to provide our students a rigorous, guaranteed, viable, and engaging K-12 curriculum driven by state and national standards that provides a diverse range of learning opportunities, college and career readiness, and personalized learning experiences. The Districts realize the importance of developing student creativity, 21st Century Skills, and Individualized Learning Plans that focus on the unique learning needs of each student.

Lake Geneva Schools believe that children learn best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Working together, we create optimum learning experiences. The curriculum guides are designed to assist parents as they support their students’ learning. 

Instructional Framework

An instructional framework is a structured and systematic approach to planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an educational setting.  It provides a framework that educators can follow to design and implement effective teaching and learning experiences for all students. 

The Lake Geneva Schools Instructional Framework includes a range of components and principles that help teachers organize their lessons and facilitate engaging learning experiences with focuses in the areas of professional knowledge, knowledge of learners, learning environment, instructional preparation, instructional delivery, and assessment.  The framework can be applied to all levels of K-12 instruction.

Click Here to View the Lake Geneva Schools Instructional Framework

"I CAN" Statements

Teachers throughout the Lake Geneva Joint #1 District have developed “I CAN” statements. These statements are posted here to help parents understand which strategies and skills are taught and assessed at the end of each grade level.  One may also refer to these “I CAN” statements as the grade level targets. Click Here to View the "I CAN" Statements 

Adoption of Academic Standards

The School Boards approved the following student academic standards on July 12, 2022
- Mathematics: Wisconsin Standards for Mathematics
- Science: Wisconsin Standards for Science
- Reading & Writing: Wisconsin Standards for English Language Arts
- Geography & History: Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

Click Here to View the Wisconsin Academic Standards

Academic and Career Planning (ACP/E4E Plan)

District Performance Data
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction provides public performance reports annually for all public school districts. These reports contain detailed information regarding school performance.  
Click Here to View the Lake Geneva Schools' Performance Data

Wisconsin's Information System for Education Data Dashboard (WISEdash)
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction provides this public portal to explore statistics about Wisconsin public schools. 
Click Here to View WISEdash


Parents who have questions should contact their child’s classroom teacher or building principal if they would like more information - or the Office of Curriculum is always happy to answer questions about the curriculum in the schools.

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