2023 Agriscience Day

2023 Agriscience Day
Posted on 10/09/2023
2023 Agriscience Day

On Friday, October 6th it was Agriscience Day at Badger High School which was an amazing opportunity for everyone who came out! The 3rd graders from Central-Denison, Star Center, Randall, Traver, Brookwood, and Woods Schools got to learn about Soil, Veterinary Science, Greenhouse Plant Science, Beekeeping, and Aquaculture. The students got messy, learned hands on, and got to experience an awesome day!

- The Beekeeper and WI Commodities Station: Students got to learn about important WI crops, make lip balm, and learn about pollinators!
- The Soil Station: The 3rd graders got to make soil pudding cups, learn about worms and the importance of soil.
- The Veterinary Science Station: Everyone got to learn about animals heart rates, respiration, and meet a variety of different animals. They also got to learn about Service Animals and meet a Canine Companion.
- The Greenhouse Station: The students got to learn about Plant Science and how to make a clone of a plant.
- The Aquaculture Station: The 3rd graders learned about the importance of natural resources, along with our aquaponics system that houses the fish and lettuce plants.
- The Food Science Station: the science behind a taco and where food products come from in the United States

Thank you to all the students and staff at Badger who took the time to plan, organize, and create such a special day for all the 3rd grade students!

Click Here to view pictures of the day!

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